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miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

Euro Report

Hubo unos cuantos incidentes durante la EUROCOPA'09, lo reporté a la organización esperando soluciones.. aquí esta el texto.
There were some incidents during the EURO'09 development, i did a report to the organization, here it is:

I would like to report some incidents in the EURO'09 developement

1-Why is possible to be player and also referee in the same championship?. It would be more reasonable to take no-participants to be referee. Fair and neutral treatment and no polemics.

If there is a list of nomitated players, it must be respected!.
I dont care if Davidinio McKeenan = Muggelchen Turbo . Because if he wanted to use BOTH avatars, both names should be in list. And they arent.
Davidinio played today (09.02.09) in the match AUSTRIA - SPAIN. Davidinio is NOT in the list.

SL Austria National Team

Darioz DeVinna
Bastian Svenska
Luca9 Rodas
boliv Kohime
Marco26 Winsent
Held01 Held
Richi Lenroy
Sercan Outlander
Trunks Ebbage
Marinho7 Teixeira
Muggelchen Turbo
andi231 Fullstop
Curtis Yuitza
Alex85 Lecker
Lhagunha Lewites
tonymanG Core
Shadowriser Bamaisin
Maier13 Ivanovic
Ribery7 Frimon

I hope you do something about it,
kind regards
Hela Beck-Spain F.A. President


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